Kamis, 22 Mei 2014

Indonesian Champion Earn AASAM 2014

Indonesian contingent Return Becomes Champion shooter AASAM 2014Puckapunyal □ contingent Indonesia managed to become the overall champion in the Australian Army Competition Shooting Skills at Arms Meeting ( AASAM ) in 2014 with the acquisition of 32 gold medals , 15 silver medals and 20 bronze medals . In the arms race that year , the Army contingent overall winner by using several weapons production Pindad ( Persero ) .


In the shooting competition held on May 5 to 16 May 2014 in the Puckapunyal Military Area Victoria , Australia , the Indonesian contingent wearing several products produced by PT Pindad weapons ( Persero ) as an assault rifle SS2 - HB ( Heavy Barrel ) , Machine Gun SM - 2 , and SM - 3 , and G2 pistol Elite version . As with previous years , the Indonesian contingent to follow some material such as the material race individuals and teams , the number of rifles , pistols , automatic rifles ( SO ) and the combined material rifle and SO .In organizing AASAM 2014 , Indonesia had to face a team shot from 16 countries including Australia , Canada , France , Timor Leste , Brunei Darussalam , the United Kingdom, the U.S. Army , U.S. Navy , New Zealand , Singapore , Thailand , Japan , Philippines , Papua New Guinea , and Tonga . Good team performance and reliability of the shooters , supported by accurate weapons , making Indonesia outpacing rivals and become the overall champion , followed by Australia and Brunei in the second and third place . 
 Indonesian Army soldier 1st Sergeant H. Herlansyah is the Champion Shot – International for 2014. He was chaired to the award ceremony by his team at this year's Australian Army Skill at Arms Meeting. The award was presented by Regimental Sergeant Major – Army, Warrant Officer Dave Ashley.

Indonesia managed to get a general title AASAM from 2008 to 2014 and of course , this is a matter of great pride for the nation . For PT Pindad ( Persero ) itself , this achievement is a proof that the weapons were manufactured have a good quality and high accuracy .

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